
Message from Director General

Welcome to the website of National Academy of RUDSETI (NAR). National Academy of RUDSETI (NAR), an offshoot of RUDSETI movement pioneered by Padmavibhushana Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmasthala, is spearheading the concept by Training the Trainers/facilitators and mentoring the Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) established across the country by various Banks. The NAR is also in to capacity building of development organizations byorienting and training their rural development workers and development officials.

Entrepreneurship development is the cornerstone of employment generation, sustainable development and economic revolution. Indian rural youth need niche skills so that they become productive and sustainable earning members of the society. Focused skill development in rural India will supplement the efforts of the government in its campaign of Vocal for Local and Make in India. A synergy between the two will strengthen Indian economy.

The improvement in literacy rate in rural area is an opportunity for Entrepreneurship development. Ministry of Rural Development is focussing on outcome based skill training and encouraging large number of Indian youths to take up outcome based skill training to enable them to earn their livelihood.

The untiring service rendered by Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institute (RUDSETI) in Ujire, Dharmasthala is providing self-employment oriented training programmes to unemployed youths. Padmavibhushana Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, the President of RUDSET Institutes has said that, the decision of Central Government to replicate the RUDSETI model and establishment of over 590 RSETIs across the country has made RUDSETI very proud.

National Academy of RUDSETI (NAR) is a resource organization committed to Entrepreneurship Development through motivation, training, and facilitation. NAR has been established to spread RUDSETI model of Entrepreneurship Development to motivate the un-employed youth to take up self-employment as a career option. This has enabled to convert a large chunk of latent human resources into productive assets in the country.

Tremendous growth of Indian Economy during the last decade has been driven by the entrepreneurs, who have explored the potential of the country and unleashed their entrepreneurship to create wealth for the country. It is possible to develop entrepreneurship by motivation, proper training and facilitation. RUDSETI has experimented this and achieved success.

RUDSETI movement is empowering the rural India, the real growth engine of developed India.....

Raju N. Kori, Director General

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